A bit more…

This time I want to find my way, explore my way, take my time. I want more than I have ever asked of myself before. Maybe it requires a silence and a centering that I have not yet—in my whole life really—given myself.

—Pat Scheider


Being truly listened to is a rare and precious offering. Being heard helps me explore and find my way. I have longed for a good listener and been disappointed and I’ve disappointed others by jumping to conclusions or thinking that I know what they need. Both experiences were painful and motivated me to learn how to listen better and trust the inherent wisdom available to all of us. I’ve been studying the art and science of holding space ever since.

I was introduced to the enneagram in 2009 and am a graduate of the Deep Coaching Institute, an enneagram-based coaching program.  I'm a member of the International Enneagram Institute and The International Coaching Federation. 

I hold an ACC certificate from the International Coaching Federation. I’m a member of the International Enneagram Association and the Institute of Coaching. I’m also a graduate of Marion Franklin's Laser Focused Coaching program. My fascination with the enneagram, coaching and human evolution keeps me pursuing knowledge that I can use in service to my own growth and for professional development.

Janet's work is both delicate and powerful. She has a skill for guiding one, through a heart centered approach, into a deeper understanding of oneself. She took me on an inward journey and helped me open up in a time when I was really struggling to accept myself and life. She masterfully referred to the structure of the enneagram throughout this journey, which provided many incredibly useful "ah-ha!" moments. I recommend her work to anyone who wants to experience more grace and understanding of themselves. LH

Janet has been my enneagram coach for about a year. She is extremely well trained as a communicator. I always feel like I've been heard. She guides our sessions with intuition and insight that I can trust. I always feel like I've learned something valuable at the end of each session. Her skills are a gift to those who want to deepen the depth of their self-inquiry and their spiritual path. RA


I'm an affiliate of Amherst Writers and Artists, also known as Writing As Healing groups. AWA was created and founded by Pat Schneider over thirty years ago as a method of supporting writers of all backgrounds and educational levels.  It is a non-hierarchical method of writing together that encourages authentic self-expression. Within that process, a subtle but palpable healing occurs as we reclaim our true voices.  

For more information about Pat Schneider and the AWA method, see: www.amherstwriters.org and these books by Pat:

Writing Alone and with Others, Oxford University Press

How the Light Gets In, Writing As A Spiritual Practice, also Oxford University Press

I want to thank you for the very safe and encouraging space you hold for writers to write freely. I also VERY much appreciate your very well-developed, outstanding skill of providing feedback in the most positive, and at the same time, most helpful way possible. I am diligently working on developing this skill after your modeling.  MM


I have been studying with Paul Selig since 2015.  Paul was a noted playwright and director of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Goddard Collage.  He studied a form of energy healing and had a spiritual experience which left him clairvoyant.  He worked with his new abilities privately for many years before he began channeling books, the first being, I Am The Word.  He considers his work dictation and himself a student of the material he channels.  His books provide guidance and support as dispensed by beings of higher intelligence, sometimes called guides or Ascended Masters.  These figures assist people in discovering the higher, purposeful nature, or Christed Self, that lives within us all.  Paul’s work has been praised by Deepok Chopra, Dean Radin, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Mitch Horowitz, Jeffrey Kripal, Russ Hudson, Ted Dekker, Rachael Pollack, Aubry Marcus and many others.

“In a world of would-be psychics making great claims for themselves with little evidence to back them up, Paul Selig is the real thing.” —Rachael Pollack

“Spiritual insights into the Divine Self relevant to the fundamental questions human beings have asked about the nature of existence since time immemorial."—Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation

“Paul and his Guides somehow manage to transmit and then explain ancient gnostic revelations in simple language that anyone can understand.“—Jeffry J. Kripal, Professor of Religious Studies, Rice University

I am also deeply grateful for my studies with:

Russ Hudson, world renown teacher of the enneagram, Co-founder of The Enneagram Institute and author, The Wisdom of the Enneagram.

Marion and David Franklin of Laser Focussed Coaching

Natalie Sudman, artist and author of, The Application of Impossible Things

Tom Condon, master enneagram teacher, Changeworks